Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities

Global Markets

A leading global franchise servicing Institutional and Corporate clients from credit origination and syndication, to secondary market trading on credit, FX, rates and commodities in both developed and emerging markets.

Our offerings

Primary and Credit

Our combined Primary and Credit business enables us to realise synergies while maintaining strict boundaries between the public and private sides. We provide solutions to clients throughout the entire credit continuum from origination through execution to secondary market trading and post trade services.

Foreign Exchange

Our Forex business is designed to respond to the complex and constantly evolving market. Discover our truly global network boasting broad market access across both developed and emerging markets.

Global Rates

We aim to be a top 3 house across both developed and emerging market rates. Our business has grown substantially and we operate a culture of “shared purpose”. Our focus is aligned around the social and economic outcomes of supporting our broad client base across Corporates and Institutional Investors.

Commodity and Derivatives

With a global footprint and over 30 years of expertise in the commodities market, we are one of the few banks in the world with a long term commitment to the growth of our commodity derivatives franchise bringing innovative and ground breaking solutions to clients worldwide.


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