Second annual BNP Paribas client QIS conference

The BNP Paribas QIS conference saw in-house experts and clients share the stage to discuss the ins and outs of quantitative investment strategies in the current market.


Quantitative investment strategies in the spotlight at the QIS investors’ experience seminar.

In September, BNP Paribas’s second QIS investors’ experience seminar took place in Nice. In-house experts and clients shared the stage to discuss the ins and outs of quantitative investment strategies in the current market. Over 70 clients travelled from Europe, the US and Asia to join the two-day conference in the South of France. This forum has now become a yearly rendezvous for the bank and its clients.

The conference explored how the global macro outlook is impacting quantitative investment strategies, as inflation and geopolitics are causing uncertainty. In this forum, BNP Paribas experts and clients shared views and outlooks on the impacts of the current environment and how QIS strategies can help investors to anticipate market disruption and brace from the impact of macro events.

Experts and clients shared the stage to present the trending topics affecting QIS at the moment, including the market liquidity impact, using hedging and defensive solutions in uncertain markets and tactical investing in systematic strategies. The debates also touched on investments from illiquid to liquid as well as the growing participation of the hedge fund community in QIS investments. Finally, future trends sparked lively discussions, especially looking at ESG, data, machine learning and rapid advances in AI, which are no less impactful in the QIS space.

It was a pleasure to welcome our clients at our QIS conference once again this year. The forum enabled exciting discussions around the QIS space where we got to touch upon the market trends and the macro environment affecting it. With collaboration at the heart of innovation, having the opportunity to connect with clients on such topics is immensely valuable.

Xavier Folleas, Head of QIS Structuring