Cortex Listed

Global Markets

DEC Low Touch Execution

Our global low touch execution services include sponsored access, Direct Market Access (DMA) and algorithmic trading solutions. Clients can access a full suite of dynamic and customisable tools supported by our electronic execution teams across London, New York, Tokyo and Hong Kong. We provide best-in-class Financial Information eXchange (FIX) -based open architecture facilitating connectivity via direct Application Programming Interface (API) and with all major buy-side and independent software vendors, in addition to our Cortex Listed single dealer platform that can be deployed directly with clients.

Execution management for listed

Cortex Listed is our execution management system. The platform offers a global reach, providing market access to all the major exchanges and a full suite of synthetic execution order types and benchmark algorithms. BNP Paribas has applied pre-trade risk management controls to ensure all regulatory requirements are met.

Cortex Listed is our best-in-class Execution Management System for listed derivatives trading, powered by Fidessa

Explore the unique features of Cortex Listed


Advanced synthetic spread trader

Synthetic spread trader designed for inter and intra product trading with custom alerting and actions.

Full suite of benchmark algorithms

Full suite of synthetic execution order types and benchmark algorithms. Algorithm suite includes VWAP, TWAP, POV and Timeslice order types.

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