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BNP Paribas’ Social Bond Framework
Paving the way in sustainable solutions
Introducing the BNP Paribas Social Bond framework, created to help investors participating in initiatives that support greater social benefits. This inclusive framework is in line with the social bond principles as outlined by the ICMA.
Environmental Finance Bond Awards 2023
Meet our graduates
Global Markets
Interested in joining our Graduate Programme? Hear what three of the 2023 grads have to say about why they joined BNP Paribas and their experience so far.
Kantox at VivaTech 2023
Philippe Gelis at VivaTech 2023
Philippe Gelis, CEO of Kantox at VivaTech 2023
Markets 360
Listen to Markets 360 | Global Markets podcast
Luigi Speranza, Global Head of Markets 360 and his team give you an overview of the latest market insights in short episodes.

Capital Introduction
Listen to the Capital Introduction podcasts
The Capital Introduction team shares the latest hedge fund performances and market trends in short episodes.